Amber has achieved something that took many months (years?), tears and a whole lot of courage.
For that she deserved a reward...

Tiny shoes that are impossible to walk on!
She was like Cinderella's step-sister trying to wriggle into these, but you should see how happy she looks when she has them on :))
Now what was the big project that we finally managed to tackle? She now sleeps without a nappy (diaper for you Americans) and that's a BIG deal!
It's been a long road for her, but apparently the time was right now. It's been more of a mental struggle than a physical one; she was just scared to go to sleep without a nappy.

However, on Monday morning -after another dry night- she earned her final sticker and that was that.

We're so proud of you, little big girl!!

Simon fell out of the tree... does he care? No way!

And how do you like my new sunglasses? These were the only remotely normal ones that I could find!! Michel now calls me Queen Bee Bling Bling. Well, this will be the summer of the bee then :)